How to configure a display to use LVGL with ESP-IDF
Today I show you how to configure a screen to use LVGL 9.2.2 using ESP-IDF 5.3.1

Manuel Quero
My Setup
For this tutorial, I have used the following setup of components and versions. If you are not using these exact components or are working with a different version of ESP-IDF, don't worry, because I’m almost certain it will work just the same.
- Microcontroller: ESP32-S3-WROOM-2
- 2-inch 320x240 Touch Screen
- Driver: ST7789
- Touch Driver: cst816s
- ESP-IDF 5.3.1
- LVGL 9.2.2
Create New Project
I have created a new project to teach you everything from scratch. If you already have a project set up, continue reading in the next section to add the necessary libraries.

After creating the new project, our main.c should look like this:
* @file main.c
* @brief Main file for the project
* @author MQuero
* @see mquero.com
#include <stdio.h>
void app_main(void)
Remember to configure your microcontroller using the SDK Configuration Editor:

Necessary Libraries
To control the touchscreen, we will add the following two libraries to the project:
If you have a different touchscreen controller, instead of using the esp_lcd_touch_cst816s library, you can search for a library for your controller on the following page:
To add them, do the following:
1. Open an ESP-IDF terminal.

2. In the terminal, copy the command provided on the library's page. It should look something like this:

Similarly, you need to add the LVGL library to the project. At the following link, you will find the command to add it via the terminal:
You’re probably wondering, do I need to add a library to control the display?
The answer is YES, but one advantage of using ESP-IDF is that it comes with many default implementations. This basically means it already includes libraries for the main display drivers.
Display Configuration
To avoid having a single file filled with a lot of code that's hard to understand, we are going to configure the display in a new file called lv_port_disp. Create the following files with these names:
- lv_port_disp.h: the header file where we will declare the functions we use.
- lv_port_disp.c: the source file where we will define the functions.
These two files will be set up so that, in the second part of the article, we can learn how to use LVGL. They are based on the templates from the following link:
Create the files so that they are in the same directory as main.c.

In the following GitHub repository, you can download and copy the complete code for the article if you want to have everything readily available. However, we will write the code step by step and explain it as we go.
Header File lv_port_disp.h
The header file will be used to declare the functions and global variables that we will use in other files.
Let's start the file by writing the following code:
* @file lv_port_disp.h
* @brief Display interface configuration header file
* @author MQuero
* @see mquero.com
#ifndef LV_PORT_DISP_H
#define LV_PORT_DISP_H
#include "esp_lcd_types.h"
extern esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel_handle;
First, we add information about the file, such as the file name and a brief description.
The code on lines 8 and 9 is a programming pattern called an "include guard", which is used to prevent the multiple inclusion of a header file and avoid compilation errors. It’s not mandatory to include it, but it’s a good habit to develop. If you use it, remember to add the following line at the end of the file:
#endif /*LV_PORT_DISP_H*/
In the INCLUDES section, we will add the header file esp_lcd_types.h, which will allow us to declare the variable panel_handle
of type esp_lcd_panel_handle_t
in the VARIABLES section. We will define this variable in the source file later and I will explain what a handler is.
The keyword extern
before the variable declaration allows it to be accessed from other files in our project.
Next, we will write the following code below:
/* Initialize low level display driver */
void lv_port_disp_init(void);
In this section, we are going to declare the prototypes of the global functions. We will only declare lv_port_disp_init
, which will handle initializing the driver to use the display with LVGL.
The lv_port_disp.h file should look like this:
* @file lv_port_disp.h
* @brief Display interface configuration header file
* @author MQuero
* @see mquero.com
#ifndef LV_PORT_DISP_H
#define LV_PORT_DISP_H
#include "esp_lcd_types.h"
extern esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel_handle;
/* Initialize low level display driver */
void lv_port_disp_init(void);
#endif /*LV_PORT_DISP_H*/
Source File lv_port_disp.c
In this source file, we will add everything needed to configure the display driver for LVGL. We will start by adding the following:
* @file lv_port_disp.h
* @brief Display interface configuration header file
* @author MQuero
* @see mquero.com
#include "lv_port_disp.h"
#include "lvgl.h"
#include "driver/spi_master.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_vendor.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_ops.h"
#include "esp_heap_caps.h"
First, we add the basic information about the file we are writing.
Then, in the INCLUDES section, we add the libraries that we will use:
- lv_port_disp.h to include the previous header file.
- lvgl.h to use the LVGL library.
- driver/spi_master.h to control the SPI bus of the ESP32, to which the display is connected.
- esp_lcd_panel_io.h to manage the Input/Output (IO) interface of the display.
- esp_lcd_panel_vendor.h to use the display with the ST7789 driver.
- esp_lcd_panel_ops.h to use the functions that control the display.
- esp_heap_caps.h to be able to store the buffers in the SPRAM.
Next, we will write the following code:
#define BOARD_LCD_MOSI 39
#define BOARD_LCD_SCK 38
#define BOARD_LCD_CS 40
#define BOARD_LCD_RST 41
#define BOARD_LCD_DC 42
#define CONFIG_LCD_H_RES 240
#define CONFIG_LCD_V_RES 320
#define CONFIG_LCD_FREQ (80 * 1000 * 1000)
esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel_handle = NULL;
static void disp_init(void);
static void disp_flush(lv_display_t * disp, const lv_area_t * area, uint8_t * px_map);
Alright, let's start with the DEFINES section:
: Here, we define which SPI peripheral we want to use. I recommend using SPI3.
- The next block of defines configures the pins to which the display is connected. Modify it according to your connections.
- With
, we configure the horizontal and vertical resolution of our display, respectively. If you have a different resolution, adjust it.
sets the operating frequency of the display. Mine works correctly at 80 MHz, but you can lower the frequency to 40 MHz or 20 MHz if you experience any issues.
configure the number of bits used for commands and parameters sent to the display. Keep it at 8 bits; it's very rare that you’ll need to change this.
defines the number of bytes required to represent a pixel in RGB565 format. We will use this later to create the buffers.
Moving on to the VARIABLES section, we only need to define the display handler. It is of type esp_lcd_panel_handle_t
and we will initialize it with a value of NULL
This variable is a handler that will represent our display in the code, and we will use it to control the display. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand this concept yet, as it’s more advanced and will become clearer over time. :)
In the STATIC PROTOTYPES section, we will declare the prototypes of the static functions that we will use in this file. I’ll explain their purpose later on.
Let's get to the fun part and write the only global function we need:
void lv_port_disp_init(void)
* Initialize your display
* -----------------------*/
* Create a display and set a flush_cb
* -----------------------*/
lv_display_t * disp = lv_display_create(CONFIG_LCD_H_RES, CONFIG_LCD_V_RES);
lv_display_set_flush_cb(disp, disp_flush);
/* Allocate buffers in SPIRAM */
uint8_t *buf1 = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *buf2 = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
/* Set the display buffers for LVGL */
lv_display_set_buffers(disp, buf1, buf2, (CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL), LV_DISPLAY_RENDER_MODE_FULL);
This function is responsible for setting up and initializing the display using LVGL. I’ll explain it part by part:
* Initialize your display
* -----------------------*/
Here, the static function disp_init()
is called, which we will look at later. It is responsible for setting up and initializing the display hardware.
* Create a display and set a flush_cb
* -----------------------------------*/
lv_display_t * disp = lv_display_create(CONFIG_LCD_H_RES, CONFIG_LCD_V_RES);
lv_display_set_flush_cb(disp, disp_flush);
- With
, we create a new variable that represents the display with the resolution specified byCONFIG_LCD_H_RES
. This function initializes a new display in LVGL and returns a pointer to this display, which is stored in the variabledisp
- Using
, we link ourdisp
variable to our static functiondisp_flush
. Basically, this makes the disp_flush function a callback responsible for transferring the content ofdisp
's buffer from LVGL to the physical display. This means that every time LVGL needs to update the display content, it automatically callsdisp_flush
/* Allocate buffers in SPIRAM */
uint8_t *buf1 = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
uint8_t *buf2 = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM);
/* Set the display buffers for LVGL */
lv_display_set_buffers(disp, buf1, buf2, (CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL), LV_DISPLAY_RENDER_MODE_FULL);
In this part of the code, we create two buffers to store the graphical data displayed on the screen.
, we ensure that the buffers buf1
and buf2
are memory-aligned. By doing this, we guarantee that accessing their data is efficient and hardware-compatible. I actually got this explanation from ChatGPT because I didn’t know what it was for, haha.
Next, we create the buffers of type uint8_t
with a size sufficient to store a full frame. This size is calculated using CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL
, where, as I explained earlier, BYTE_PER_PIXEL
defines how many bytes are needed to represent a pixel in RGB565 format.
In addition, using the heap_caps_malloc
function we select that the buffers are allocated PSRAM memory using MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM
Finally, with the lv_display_set_buffers
function, we assign the two buffers to the created display and set the rendering mode to LV_DISPLAY_RENDER_MODE_FULL
taking advantage of the fact that we use PSRAM.
Let's start writing the static functions, beginning with disp_init
, which initializes the display and the necessary peripherals. Here is the complete code for the function:
/*Initialize your display and the required peripherals.*/
static void disp_init(void)
spi_bus_config_t bus_cfg = {
.sclk_io_num = BOARD_LCD_SCK,
.mosi_io_num = BOARD_LCD_MOSI,
.quadwp_io_num = -1,
.quadhd_io_num = -1,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(spi_bus_initialize((spi_host_device_t)CONFIG_LCD_HOST, &bus_cfg, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO));
esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io_handle = NULL;
esp_lcd_panel_io_spi_config_t io_cfg = {
.dc_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_DC,
.cs_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_CS,
.pclk_hz = CONFIG_LCD_FREQ,
.lcd_cmd_bits = CONFIF_LCD_CMD_BITS,
.lcd_param_bits = CONFIG_LCD_PARAM_BITS,
.spi_mode = 0,
.trans_queue_depth = 10,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_new_panel_io_spi((esp_lcd_spi_bus_handle_t)CONFIG_LCD_HOST, &io_cfg, &io_handle));
esp_lcd_panel_dev_config_t panel_cfg = {
.reset_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_RST
.rgb_ele_order = LCD_RGB_ELEMENT_ORDER_RGB,
.bits_per_pixel = 16,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789(io_handle, &panel_cfg, &panel_handle));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_invert_color(panel_handle, true));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_swap_xy(panel_handle, false));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_mirror(panel_handle, false, false));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off(panel_handle, false));
At first glance, it might look complicated, so I'll explain it step by step.
spi_bus_config_t bus_cfg = {
.sclk_io_num = BOARD_LCD_SCK,
.mosi_io_num = BOARD_LCD_MOSI,
.quadwp_io_num = -1,
.quadhd_io_num = -1,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(spi_bus_initialize((spi_host_device_t)CONFIG_LCD_HOST, &bus_cfg, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO));
First, we configure the SPI bus by defining the variable bus_cfg
of type spi_bus_config_t
, which is a structure. This allows us to access the internal variables of this structure and configure them as needed.
are the pins used for the clock and the data line.
- We set
because I'm using classic SPI.
Then, using the spi_bus_initialize
function, we initialize the SPI bus by passing three parameters:
- The SPI bus we want, specified by
, which we need to cast tospi_host_device_t
- The
variable, prefixed with "&" because it is a structure type variable, and we need to pass its memory address.
to enable the use of DMA (Direct Memory Access) and choose an automatic channel (don’t ask what it does because it’s complicated to explain; just trust that it makes things faster).
We wrap this function call in ESP_ERROR_CHECK
to verify if it executes correctly; if there is an error, the program will abort.
With the next piece of code, we will configure the necessary input and output settings for communication with the display.
esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io_handle = NULL;
esp_lcd_panel_io_spi_config_t io_cfg = {
.dc_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_DC,
.cs_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_CS,
.pclk_hz = CONFIG_LCD_FREQ,
.lcd_cmd_bits = CONFIF_LCD_CMD_BITS,
.lcd_param_bits = CONFIG_LCD_PARAM_BITS,
.spi_mode = 0,
.trans_queue_depth = 10,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_new_panel_io_spi((esp_lcd_spi_bus_handle_t)CONFIG_LCD_HOST, &io_cfg, &io_handle));
First, we create a variable called io_handle
of type esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t
, which will be responsible for managing the SPI communication interface with the display. We initialize it to NULL
for safety.
Next, we need to create a new variable called io_cfg
of type esp_lcd_panel_io_spi_config_t
. Since it is a structure, we will configure its internal variables:
are the Data/Command and Chip Select pins of the display.
is the SPI clock frequency for the display.
have already been explained earlier.
configures the SPI mode. Mode 0 works fine as a default.
is the transaction queue size for SPI. Basically, it determines how many SPI transactions can be queued simultaneously. Ten is a good value.
Finally, using the esp_lcd_new_panel_io_spi
function, we configure this part. There’s nothing unusual here; it’s almost the same as before, and we also check for errors using ESP_ERROR_CHECK
We’re almost done with this part; now let's configure the display.
esp_lcd_panel_dev_config_t panel_cfg = {
.reset_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_RST,
.rgb_ele_order = LCD_RGB_ELEMENT_ORDER_RGB,
.bits_per_pixel = 16,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789(io_handle, &panel_cfg, &panel_handle));
The procedure is similar. We create the panel_cfg
variable of type esp_lcd_panel_dev_config_t
, and since it is a structure, we configure its internal variables as follows:
is the reset pin of the display.
defines the RGB order. In my case, it isLCD_RGB_ELEMENT_ORDER_RGB, but if your display shows incorrect colors, you can change it to LCD_RGB_ELEMENT_ORDER_BGR.
l specifies the number of bits per pixel. It is 16 because, for the RGB565 format, there are 5 bits for red, 6 bits for green, and 5 bits for blue.
, the display can useLCD_RGB_DATA_ENDIAN_BIG
. As before, if the colors shown on the display are not as expected, try modifying this variable.
In the same way as before, we complete the configuration using esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789
and check for errors with ESP_ERROR_CHECK
Now we can control the display, so let’s initialize it by following this process.
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_invert_color(panel_handle, true));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_swap_xy(panel_handle, false));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_mirror(panel_handle, false, false));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off(panel_handle, false));
- Reset.
- Initialization.
- Invert colors: in my case, I set it to
so that the colors are displayed correctly. - We configure the settings so that X and Y are not swapped.
- We configure the settings so that the display is not mirrored.
- Finally, we leave the display turned off to power it on later.
We have now configured and initialized the display! Now let's write the next static function (this one will be quick, I promise):
*Flush the content of the internal buffer the specific area on the display.
*`px_map` contains the rendered image as raw pixel map
*'lv_display_flush_ready()' has to be called when it's finished.
static void disp_flush(lv_display_t *disp_drv, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *px_map)
int offsetx1 = area->x1;
int offsetx2 = area->x2;
int offsety1 = area->y1;
int offsety2 = area->y2;
esp_lcd_panel_draw_bitmap(panel_handle, offsetx1, offsety1, offsetx2 + 1, offsety2 + 1, (void *)px_map);
*Inform the graphics library that you are ready with the flushing*/
This function is used to update a specific part of the display with the content rendered in one of the buffers we created earlier.
- We calculate the area offsets:
, andoffsety2
are computed based on the area that LVGL needs to update. The valuesx1
, andy2
specify the coordinates of the rectangular area on the display that should be updated. - We call
to draw the image (bitmap) on the display and pass the data to it. - We then notify LVGL that the image copying has finished, so it can continue with its tasks.
With all the code, the lv_port_disp.c file should look like this:
* @file lv_port_disp.h
* @brief Display interface configuration header file
* @author MQuero
* @see mquero.com
#include "lv_port_disp.h"
#include "lvgl.h"
#include "driver/spi_master.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_vendor.h"
#include "esp_lcd_panel_ops.h"
#define BOARD_LCD_MOSI 39
#define BOARD_LCD_SCK 38
#define BOARD_LCD_CS 40
#define BOARD_LCD_RST 41
#define BOARD_LCD_DC 42
#define CONFIG_LCD_H_RES 240
#define CONFIG_LCD_V_RES 320
#define CONFIG_LCD_FREQ (80 * 1000 * 1000)
esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel_handle = NULL;
static void disp_init(void);
static void disp_flush(lv_display_t * disp, const lv_area_t * area, uint8_t * px_map);
void lv_port_disp_init(void)
* Initialize your display
* -----------------------*/
* Create a display and set a flush_cb
* -----------------------*/
lv_display_t * disp = lv_display_create(CONFIG_LCD_H_RES, CONFIG_LCD_V_RES);
lv_display_set_flush_cb(disp, disp_flush);
* Two buffers, screen sized buffer amd double buffering.
static lv_color_t buf1[CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL];
static lv_color_t buf2[CONFIG_LCD_H_RES * CONFIG_LCD_V_RES * BYTE_PER_PIXEL];
lv_display_set_buffers(disp, buf1, buf2, sizeof(buf1), LV_DISPLAY_RENDER_MODE_DIRECT);
/*Initialize your display and the required peripherals.*/
static void disp_init(void)
spi_bus_config_t bus_cfg = {
.sclk_io_num = BOARD_LCD_SCK,
.mosi_io_num = BOARD_LCD_MOSI,
.quadwp_io_num = -1,
.quadhd_io_num = -1,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(spi_bus_initialize((spi_host_device_t)CONFIG_LCD_HOST, &bus_cfg, SPI_DMA_CH_AUTO));
esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io_handle = NULL;
esp_lcd_panel_io_spi_config_t io_cfg = {
.dc_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_DC,
.cs_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_CS,
.pclk_hz = CONFIG_LCD_FREQ,
.lcd_cmd_bits = CONFIF_LCD_CMD_BITS,
.lcd_param_bits = CONFIG_LCD_PARAM_BITS,
.spi_mode = 0,
.trans_queue_depth = 10,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_new_panel_io_spi((esp_lcd_spi_bus_handle_t)CONFIG_LCD_HOST, &io_cfg, &io_handle));
esp_lcd_panel_dev_config_t panel_cfg = {
.reset_gpio_num = BOARD_LCD_RST,
.rgb_ele_order = LCD_RGB_ELEMENT_ORDER_RGB,
.bits_per_pixel = 16,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_new_panel_st7789(io_handle, &panel_cfg, &panel_handle));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_invert_color(panel_handle, true));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_swap_xy(panel_handle, false));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_mirror(panel_handle, false, false));
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off(panel_handle, false));
*Flush the content of the internal buffer the specific area on the display.
*`px_map` contains the rendered image as raw pixel map
*'lv_display_flush_ready()' has to be called when it's finished.
static void disp_flush(lv_display_t *disp_drv, const lv_area_t *area, uint8_t *px_map)
int offsetx1 = area->x1;
int offsetx2 = area->x2;
int offsety1 = area->y1;
int offsety2 = area->y2;
esp_lcd_panel_draw_bitmap(panel_handle, offsetx1, offsety1, offsetx2 + 1, offsety2 + 1, (void *)px_map);
*Inform the graphics library that you are ready with the flushing*/
Congratulations! If you've made it this far, you've survived the tutorial 🚀
Since this article ended up a bit long and dense, I’m going to split it. In the next article, we will finish configuring the display to use the touchscreen, and I’ll show you how to set up LVGL step by step, explaining everything along the way. We’ll also build a real application with a menu and implement various widgets like text, buttons, and sliders.
Remember you can follow me on social media by searching for @mquerostudio and on my YouTube channel @MQuero.
If you’ve found any errors in the article or think there are ways to improve it, feel free to message me on any of my social platforms, and we’ll discuss it 🙌